makes character strings from the same break points. The plot.polylist()
function may be used as a generic S3 method.
leglabs(vec, under="under", over="over", between="-", reverse=FALSE)
vector of break values
character value for under
character value for over
character value for between
flag to reverse order of values, you will also need to reorder colours, see example
mappolys <- readShapeSpatial(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="maptools")[1], ID="NEIGNO")
#> Warning: shapelib support is provided by GDAL through the sf and terra packages among others
#> Warning: shapelib support is provided by GDAL through the sf and terra paackages among others
#> Warning: shapelib support is provided by GDAL through the sf and terra packages among others
brks <- round(quantile(mappolys$CRIME, probs=seq(0,1,0.2)), digits=2)
colours <- c("salmon1", "salmon2", "red3", "brown", "black")
plot(mappolys, col=colours[findInterval(mappolys$CRIME, brks,
legend(x=c(5.8, 7.1), y=c(13, 14.5), legend=leglabs(brks),
fill=colours, bty="n")
title(main=paste("Columbus OH: residential burglaries and vehicle",
"thefts per thousand households, 1980", sep="\n"))
#legend with reversed order
plot(mappolys, col=colours[findInterval(mappolys$CRIME, brks,
legend(x=c(5.8, 7.1), y=c(13, 14.5), legend=leglabs(brks, reverse = TRUE),
fill=rev(colours), bty="n")
title(main=paste("Columbus OH: residential burglaries and vehicle",
"thefts per thousand households, 1980 (reversed legend)", sep="\n"))